''It is has been a really good experience these couple of days, just been involved in this radio drama an initiative of our development partner Media Development Initiative.

''I learned quite a lot, coming from a background of Communication but in the field of engineering (Communications in the technical sense).''

George Mageto (left) with young Beverlyn Divaki and Rona Aigilo putting their voice on the play ''Grace''.

''I'm thankful that I have been asked to put couple of voices to the scripts written by our talented writers from West New Britain.''

''The issues that were covered in the scripts, highlighted all the things that are happening right now. The very issues, we face day in day out. From child abuse, alcohol abuse, arm holdups, gender-based violence, and many more.''

''About time we start talking about them, and the approach the writers are talking about speaks a lot. For some of these issues, although it is wrong our society has accepted them as normal, some are taboo, but I feel that it is important we talk about it. And what a better way to start sparking conversations by using radio drama. It highlights the core everyday life of our society we live in.’’

''I would like to see this type of program continue, the approach taken by MDI and NBC is really good and this speaks for more collaboration. People listen to radio here in West New Britain, it is the only medium that cuts through the rugged terrain of this province and can be reached at any one time at once. Our people relate to this type of stories, because it mentions them, the place, and the struggle they go through every day. And to add on it, it is in Tok Pisin and is easily understood''.

''I played three to four characters and I must admit that I'm seeing things differently now, especially with the key messaging. A lot us hear or read about all these key messages but it doesn't sink in. Until I started using it in the dialogue that it started speaking to me.''

Young Bryan Sabuin having his voice recorded on one of the scripts.

''One good example is 'Lydia', it tells the story of a young girl who just finished year 10 and has been selected to go to a National High School, and her parents, however, opted for the boy child who completed his year 12 but didn't get any placing from a tertiary institution to be sponsored to a private institution. Her parent's decision was for her to stay at home and look after the house. I played the role of a Teacher in that story. I see this happening in our province, and boy child/kids are preferred more than girls. This particular drama will hold those parents responsible and will have an impact on the listeners. I'm picturing a lot of guilty parents now.''

''There are a lot of issues to write about and having this program is a good start for the writers and youths of Kimbe.''

''I see a mind shift change among many people today, I am one of them, and I'm glad to see that I'm more open to the many issues now than before.''

''Radio Drama is a very powerful tool, imagine if the entire province is covered and the program is aired on Primetime – People will not only love the show but they will be entertained, educated and will understand developments through this type of programming and will change their way of thinking as well.'' 

The cast and crew after recording 26 Radio Drama episodes. 


George Mageto, hails from Ward 3 of Talasea District and is a Communications Engineer, A graduate from the University of Technology, Lae, and is the Coordinator, Talasea District Communications ICT Department. George is a member of the drama program that was piloted in Talasea District and played few roles in the drama. The programs are currently been aired on NBCWNB.



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