12 of the NBC Staff that attended the Radio Documentary Training for the Stori Bilon Yumi Radio program. Seated: Cecelia Woito NBC EHP, Warren Tjangau NBC NIP, Rona Aigilo, NBCWNB, John Wena Dilu NBCSimbu, Middle: Ms Carol Umbo, Excecutive Producer Stori Bilon Yumi NBC Morobe, Switala Kosote NBC Northern and Executive Director Provicial NBC Radio Michael Samuga. Standing from left: Mathilda Gimbo NBC Madang, Christine Yambu NBC Enga, Matthew Jaymes NBC Milne Bay, Charles Kekeng NBC Morobe, Grayson Hamoniu NBCWSP, Igantius Palisan NBC Manus and Nimrod Meles NBC SHP.

Radio still has the widest audience footprint in Papua New Guinea.

In reaching the rural masses, at any one time it has the power to educate and inform everyday life and is as important today as it has always been.

The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) plays a major role in information service delivery, and this has been its core business since its establishment nearly fifty years ago.

The collaboration with the Media Development Initiative (MDI) in various capacity building programs throughout the country has seen benefits for many of NBC's content makers and other media houses.

The recent Radio Documentary Training for the 'Stori Bilong Yumi'' documentary program is a good example.

Developed in 2017 by a team of provincial radio broadcasters, the 'Stori Bilong Yumi' program gives the opportunity for ordinary Papua New Guineans to tell their stories through a documentary style program. 

It gives those living outside the capital and in the provinces - NBC's broader audience - a national voice to talk about the things that matter to them, share their lived experiences with each other, and bring them to the attention of decision makers. 

Executive Producer of NBC Morobe and the 'Stori Bilong Yumi' program, Ms Carol Umbo is very proud to see this program flourish.

''It has been 4 years now since its inception and I must acknowledge the provincial radio stations for taking ownership.

 We brought colour onto National Radio and are grateful that our contribution is being followed by a lot of our listeners right around the country and this is something we are proud off at the provincial level'', she explains.

In late August 2021, the NBC held a Radio Documentary Training for 12 of its provincial stations, facilitated by Michael Samuga and Carol Umbo with support from MDI.

''The art of story-telling at NBC is dying."

'Story Bilong Yumi' is NBC Provincial Radio's documentary program that tells our stories, and we must tell them creatively so that they draw, hold, and leave lasting impressions with our audience" said Michael Samuga, Executive Director NBC Provincial Radio.

Participants came from Milne Bay, Northern, Morobe, Madang, West Sepik, Simbu, Eastern Highlands, Southern Highlands Province, Enga, West New Britain, New Ireland and Manus.

Each of them came with different experience and exposure while working with NBC.

Charles Kekeng, Rona Aigilo and Switala Kosote using a makeshift studio to record their story.

This training comes at the right time as it would help us re-strategize to do compelling stories for our audience'', says Ms. Rona Aigilo, NBC West New Britain.

Cecelia Woito, NBC Eastern Highlands says listeners in Eastern Highlands province love listening to themselves.

"I must add that we have a good following here in the province - they even call or text in to have that story or their story repeated.

"I have noted that this type of storytelling format was missing and it's so good to bring that back again, it adds more colour to the on-air content and puts the human face to it'', says Cecelia.

 ''Our audience are now becoming media savvy and for us as content makers, we need to step up our production game to give the best.

Matthew Jaymes, Mathilda Gimbo and Christine Yambu editing their project.

"The program tells stories of ordinary Papua New Guineans from all walks of life.

"With MDI's assistance, this has boosted the moral of our officers and so far, 48, thirty minutes long story forms were produced from the previous phase and the stories are still airing, she says.

 ''There has been a lot of changes over time in terms of content, and MDI has contributed a lot in that by providing capacity building for staff or funding (content) grants.

 "And with all this assistance, it has affected change within the officers and their work outputs as well'', she adds.

'Stori Bilon Yumi' is a human-interest documentary long form story that tells stories of ordinary Papua New Guineans.

John Wena Dilu, Ignatius Palisan, Warren Tjangau and Cecilai Woito finalising their group work.

 The program is aired every Sundays at 8.30pm and repeats on Tuesdays at around the same time in the evening and its further relayed on provincial radio. Each of the provinces also receive copies to air on their own timing.

MDI is supported by the Australian Government through the Papua New Guinea-Australia Partnership.



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