Garbage-Free Kikori Collaboration

Kids enjoying themselves near Omo Village - Kikori. ‘’The Kikori River is one of my favourite places in PNG. At almost 230km long, it stretches over 23,300 km2 through the western part of Gulf Province in Papua New Guinea, forming a magnificent delta that reaches down to the Gulf of Papua. It is intensely remote, with dense mangrove forests lining the interweaving waterways, and small villages appearing along the river banks,’’ says Yolarnie Amepou, a young biologist who is currently heading the Piku Biodiversity Network in the Western end of Gulf province. A common sight along the river bank - Kikori. ‘’The villagers live predominantly off fish and sago, banana, and are complemented by sweet potatoes, cassava among other vegetables. The people here live humble lives, their stilted wooden huts line the river banks and their dugout canoes paddle softly along the water. There is certainly magic in these waters, a calmness, a soothing, and it is without a doubt one of the most b...